TO: President, Unity of UK St Lucian Associations
FROM: The Cluny Associate8th June 2016
TO: Mrs Felicia Hippolyte
President, Unity of UK St Lucian Associations
FROM: The Cluny Associates, Castries, Saint Lucia
On behalf of the Cluny Associates, and having now cashed your cheque, I wish to once again thank you and your association for your kind donation to our group to be used primarily in respect of the Mother Theresa’s Home run by the Missionaries of Charity. They’ve already informed me how they would like the money to be spent. I can share with you that it will go towards purchasing the costly adult diapers for their clients. We are waiting for those to arrive on-island at Renwick & Co.
Our other charity is one where we go to teach various skills to abused girls at Upton Gardens Girls Centre. We feel certain that you will not mind if we use a small part of the donation to purchase two ukuleles for music class. The girls want to learn to play this relatively simple instrument. It will do them good.
My only regret in all of this is that the promise made by Mr Williams to contact me in order to arrange a presentation of the cheque to the group was not kept, so we have no photos to show. I am however sending under separate cover some photos of the Home during one of our visits.
Yours sincerely,
Cluny Associates
per Nahdjla Bailey