november, 2021

Unity of (UK) St.Lucian Associations
Event Details
In memory of Saint Lucian Nationals who have sadly passed away during the period of the pandemic (though not necessarily through COVID-19). Tell your family, Tell your friends and see you
Event Details
In memory of Saint Lucian Nationals who have sadly passed away during the period of the pandemic (though not necessarily through COVID-19).
Tell your family, Tell your friends and see you there
For more info: please call 07791 393 508 or 07950 883 927
(Saturday) 6:00 pm
Catholic Church of our Lady of Lourdes & St Vincent De Paul
337 Harrow Road, London, W9 3RB
Ticket Price
Light refreshments will be served afterwards at the
Paddington Arts Centre
32 Woodfield Road
W9 2BE
(2 minutes’ walk from the church)