About Unity
Unity of UK St Lucian Associations, hereafter known as Unity, was established as a direct result of groups sharing a common purpose, coming together to achieve greater unity and simultaneously raising funds for charitable and needy causes in St. Lucia.
Unity is a voluntary and non-profit making constituted association. The affiliated groups agree between themselves how the Association is governed. Unity has staged several events e.g. our excellent Independence Day Celebration events (February), ‘Jounen Kweyol – ‘Creole Day’ (October – which also coincides with the UK’s Black History month) and St Lucia’s National Day Celebrations (13 December). These events have had a positive impact on our community and have also enabled the Association to raise substantial funds for worthy causes in St Lucia.
It is important to mention that partner associations, i.e. Anse-La-Raye, Canaries, Dennery and St Lucian Association of London (1963) also hold their own individual activities throughout the year to raise funds for their respective districts.
Our mission is to forge strong, active and relevant links between St. Lucians and other nationalities and to create a strong community spirit based on trust and support through which our community can be both inspired and realise its full potential.
This website will be used as our communication tool to our members and fellow St. Lucians, both in the UK and abroad, who possess a similar vision and endeavour to contribute to St. Lucia in a positive and effective way. We encourage you to send feedback and suggestions on how we can utilise this online forum to assist us in achieving our goals.
Visit often as we will be updating our site frequently. You can also click here to send this page to a friend. Feel free to contact us at admin@stluciansuk.com and thank you for visiting.